Donate Resources

BGC Toronto Kiwanis graciously accepts some tangible gifts in-kind including craft and school supplies, and gift cards. In-kind donations can be made to our Club for program, or as a donation to one of our in-kind campaigns created to help support our members and their families. 

Our Wish List

We certainly are not short on wishes. With over 1,300 children and youth using our facilities every year, items on our Wish List are often, broken, get lost or suffer from the wear-and-tear of 1,300 pairs of hands. We will try and keep this list as current as possible, but if you have something unique that you believe might have value to our Club, please contact us. 

  • Video & Recording Production hardware and software
  • Smart Board
  • Projectors
  • USB Keys 4GB
  • Laptops and Tablets
  • Digital SLR Camera
  • 4TB or Larger Portable Hard Drive
  • Adobe Light Room Software
Gift Cards


  • Grocery Store
  • iTunes
  • Housewares
  • Gas Cards
  • Presto Card
  • Clothing
  • Personal Hygiene 

In-Kind Campaigns

BGC Toronto Kiwanis hosts several annual in-kind campaigns for our members and families. These campaigns rely on in-kind donations from you! Take a look below. 

Blair's Run

Blair’s Run has been part of the Cabbagetown Festival for 42 years. It began as the Cabbagetown Mini-Marathon led by Weenen Construction. Over the years it has raised funds for Wellesley Hospital burn unit, Riverdale Farm and many other neighborhood charities, most especially The Cabbagetown Youth Centre. The annual mini-marathon became Blair’s Run in 1999 in honour of Blair Tully, a community champion who organized the run for several years to benefit the Cabbagetown Youth Centre.

Blair’s wife, Marilyn Marshall, has organized Blair’s Run for the past 22 years, along with a team of enthusiastic volunteers.

Holiday Hamper

For more than 15 years, the Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls Clubs has been providing holiday support to its members and families in need with the assistance of corporate sponsors and individual donors.

With the help of these honourary elves, we are able to provide toys and gifts, clothing, household and hygiene items, food vouchers and other wish list items for families, children and youth that may otherwise go without.

Backpack Campaign

Each year, BGC Toronto Kiwanis accepts donations of new school supplies to equip our members with the essential tools to succeed in the new school year. From backpacks and pencil crayons, to new notebooks and gift cards – we do our best to make sure are members are ready for school! 

Education creates opportunities. BGC Toronto Kiwanis is proud to support our members academic success in any way that we can, because an opportunity changes everything.